For a reliable and accurate measurement result, it is often not just a precise pressure sensor that is decisive, but the entire pressure measurement chain. A pressure measurement chain describes the path from the sensor that records a value through to further processing and conversion into a usable (analogue or digital) output signal. It consists of a pressure sensor, an electrical connection, i.e. a cable assembly, and a measuring amplifier. Optionally, a display can also be used on which the measured value can be read directly.

Passive transducers - essential for high-temperature applications
The pressure transducer in a measuring chain is always a passive transducer that does not have an integrated amplifier. The advantage of passive transducers is that they can measure faster and more dynamically. In addition, passive transducers cover a significantly higher operating temperature range. Pressure transducers with an integrated measuring amplifier, on the other hand, are often limited to operating temperatures of a maximum of 85 degrees Celsius due to their sensitive electronics, but there are also pressure transducers that can withstand operating temperatures of up to 120 degrees Celsius despite the integrated amplifier. For high-temperature applications, for example in engine test benches or engine power units, a passive sensor and therefore the installation of a measuring chain is essential. Absolute pressure transducers, differential pressure transducers and relative pressure transducers can be used as transducers.

Adjustment and calibration at Althen
In addition to the hardware, the matching of the individual components is crucial for a measurement chain. On the one hand, we offer the adjustment of the measuring amplifier, which we usually manufacture ourselves. This depends, for example, on the design, the mounting and the protective housing and, finally, on the exact adjustment of the measuring amplifier to the output signal so that the result is as accurate as possible. We also calibrate the measuring chain - not just the pressure transducer itself. It is important to calibrate the entire pressure measurement chain. Depending on your requirements, you will receive a factory test certificate, an ISO calibration or a DAkkS calibration. This is a calibration accredited by the German Accreditation Centre (DAkkS), in which measuring devices are tested and calibrated according to international standards. It guarantees high accuracy and traceability of the measurement results to national and international standards.
Once all adjustments have been made, sensors and measuring amplifiers have been harmonised and cable lengths and connections have been defined, we assemble the pressure measurement chain and supply you with a plug-and-play complete measurement solution.

All-in-one solution: PMDA
The PMDA precision barometer offers a special form of pressure measuring chain in a single device. The PMDA is a measuring system for recording, displaying, monitoring and analysing barometric ambient pressure, for example in clean rooms or positive/negative pressure chambers. It combines a pressure sensor with integrated amplifier with a digital display and the corresponding cabling in an aluminium wall-mounted housing. The system is available in different versions. The measured pressure value is converted into an analogue 0-10 V signal and simultaneously shown on a display. Optionally, the measured value can be transmitted ASCII-coded via an RS232/USB interface. The system is prepared for the installation of a precision pressure transducer of type FP5000 or PARO-6000-16B.