You are designing a new product or machine, and somewhere a force must be measured. The standard product range of force sensors and load cells do not offer a suitable solution. What now?
Then you probably are looking for a customized load cell that exactly fits your machine or application. Look no further, because you have come to the right place. We have many years of experience in developing tailor-made load cell solutions for industrial applications.
We offer custom load cells for OEM or Test & Measurement applications in which force, reaction torque, or weight must be measured based on strain gauge technology.

Custom OEM Load Cell Solutions
OEM Manufacturers come to us because they can't find a suitable standard load cell and are looking for one that exactly fits their application. Together with our customers we co-create a force sensor solution with minimal adjustments to the original system.
By strategically looking at mechanical components in the application, we can change passive components into active sensors by instrumenting them in the right places.

Test & Measurement Load Cell Solutions
In the field of Test & Measurement where high accuracy plays an important role, standard load cells or sensors sometimes just don´t fit the application.
Certain forces have to be measured for a test, but you have no idea how you could do this, and what the consequences are. With a track record of more than 1000 tailor-made load cells, a challenge is seldom too big for us.
Whether you are looking for one meter or 3 foot loadpin or a load cell with an extremely small diameter: we provide both ends of the spectrum.

Full service from design to production
We know that engineers often have more than enough responsibilities, so we understand how we can be of value by offering certainty in the field of sensors and measurement solutions. We take you through our fixed process from design to prototype to series production so you will get certainty about the most sensitive parts in your machine or application.

How do we work?
At Althen you can count on the knowledge and expertise of professionals. Our engineers work together with your technical team. We first look at the larger picture to understand the complete measurement challenge, before zooming into the problem.