1. Althen Sensors
  2. Messgeräte
  3. Digitale Signalverarbeitung
  4. Messdatenerfassung (DAQ)
  5. IOLITEI-1XSTG DMS-Verstärker


Vollständig konfigurierbarer, isolierter DMS-Verstärker mit EtherCAT-Bus, einschließlich Software-Unterstützung

About the IOLITEI-1XSTG Strain Gauge Amplifier

IOLITEi-1xSTG is a single channel gauge amplifier with internal quarter-, half- and full-bridge configurations. Low noise voltage and current source excitation are available with freely settable levels. Input ranges span from 50 V to 100 mV. Data is transfered over EtherCAT to a PC running powerful and easy to use DEWESoft data acquisition software.


  • Internal bridge completion (quarter & half, 120 & 350 ohm)
  • 50 V to 100 mV input voltage ranges
  • 20 mA current input range (internal shunt)
  • Settable voltage and current excitation (max 400 mW) Low noise, high dynamic performance
  • Signal and power isolation from EtherCAT to front-end
  • EtherCAT bus, daisy-chaining with single cable up to 50 m device-device
  • DEWESoft X3 software support


  • Material strain measurements
  • Precise weighting
  • Structural load monitoring

Software support: DEWESoft X3, any standard EtherCAT master

Installation: Devices are daisy chained with a standard network cable. It is recommended that the cable is shielded (SFTP, CAT5e) and has a minimum 24 AWG wire thickness. The cable must have 4 wire pairs. The maximum distance node-to-node is 50 m.

Power supply: Passive PoE power injector is neccessary for merging the EtherCAT signal and power into a single cable.

Download Free Software DewesoftX 2021.2


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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Accuracy +/-0,05% +/-2mV
Adc resolution 24 bit
Current limit 42 mA (max. power: 400 mW)
Input impendance 1 (50 V, 10 V range), 20 (1 V, 100 mV range)
Max. sample rate 40 kS/s
Stability <0.01%