1. Althen Sensors
  2. Messgeräte
  3. Digitale Signalverarbeitung
  4. Messverstärker mit Busschnittstellen (OIML)
  5. TLE Analoge Auswerteelektronik

TLE Analoge Auswerteelektronik

Auswerteelektronik für Wägezellen mit analogen Ausgang und RS485

Allgemeine Informationen

Weight transmitter and indicator for Omega/DIN rail mounting suitable for back panel or junction box.

Key features Digital Almplifier TLE

  • LCD display, 38x16 mm visible area, two-line by eight-digit (5 mm height)
  • Simple zero setting and full scale
  • Display mV displaying, load cells and analog output value (V or mA )
  • Dimensions: 90 x 95 x 60 mm.

The instrument is equipped with a RS485 port:

  • PC/PLC up to 32 instruments (max  99  with  line  repeaters) by ModBus R.T.U. protocol

16-bit analog output, speeded (update time = 3 ms) selectable via dip-switches:

  • 0-20mA; 4-20mA; 0-10V; 0-5V; ± 10V; ± 5V

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
A/d converter 24 bit (16000000 points) 4.8 kHz
Digital filter / conversion rate 0.003 ÷ 4 s / 10 ÷ 300 Hz
Divisions, max ± 200000
Linearity <0.01% FS
Number of load cells (parallel and supply) max 8 ( 350 ohm ) ; 5VDC/120mA
Power supply and consumption 12 - 24 VDC +/- 10% ; 3 W
Rs485 port - baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200