1. Althen Sensors
  2. Messsysteme
  3. Lasermesstechnik-Systeme
  4. Messysteme zur Bestimmung der Geometrie
  5. FDRF100 Automatisiertes System zur Motorwellenmessung

FDRF100 Automatisiertes System zur Motorwellenmessung

Für die Messung und Steuerung von Motorwellen

About the FDRF100 Automated System for Motor Shaft Measurement

The FDRF100 is an automatic optical measurement system.

Measurement starts by placing the piece between the two centers. The operator can specify all measurements and tolerances as needed. Any piece of the item can be measured.

More detailed scanning is possible. The optical micrometer can separately scans all set parts of the detail.

When scanning is completed the measurement results are reflected in the program for future statistic analysis.

All measurements are mapped in the program:

  • Diameter
  • Angle and taper
  • Length
  • Threads and screw pitch
  • Run-out
  • Depth of the hole
  • Roundness

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Accuracy ±1µm
Carriage movement range 200mm
Measurable diameters From 0,1 to 25mm
Scanning speed 50mm/s