1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Beschleunigungssensoren
  4. Multi-axiale Beschleunigungsaufnehmer
  5. AAA545 MEMS-Beschleunigungsaufnehmer

AAA545 MEMS-Beschleunigungsaufnehmer

Einaxialer MEMS-Beschleunigungsaufnehmer in kleiner Bauform

About the AAA545 Servo Accelerometer

The AAA545 Series range of Solid State Accelerometers measure vector acceleration with high accuracy and incorporate a micro-machined piezo-resistive strain gauge bridge silicon sensor incorporating an air damping feature. Unlike fluid damped devices the air damping employed is essentially independent of temperature. The transducer also incorporates positive mechanical stops confering excellent shock resistance. The AAA545 is available in both single-axis and multi-axis versions.


Key features AAA545

  • Essentially zero temperature coefficent of damping ratio
  • Integral temperature compensation
  • DC input - DC output
  • High reliability


Applications AAA545

  • Data acquisition systems
  • Crash recorders
  • Fatigue life monitoring and prediction
  • Monitoring and controlling deceleration in mass transit systems
  • Road bed analysis and fault detection equipment for high speed railways
  • Military and civil flight simulators
  • Autopilots
  • Low frequency vibration monitoring

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Acceleration limit 400g for 2 to 10 g versions, 20 x range or 2000g, whichever is lower for other versions (any direction)
Compensated temperature 0°C to +50°C
Damping ratio 0.7 (±0.2) @ 25°C
Humidity/immersion IP65
Hysteresis ≤ 0.02%
Input current 5m A dc max.
Measurement range ±2g / ±5g / ±10g / ±20g / ±50g / ±100g
Non-linearity ±0.5%
Operating temperature -40°C to +105°C
Output [supply voltage] 16 - 36 mV [Single axis: 14,5 -27 VDC, 2- and 3-axial: 5VDC]
Resolution ≤ 0.0005%
Storage temperature -55°C to +130°C
Weight 40 g max.

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Benötigen Sie weitere Informationen?

DXA-100/200 Servo-Beschleunigungsmesser

  • Digitaler Ausgang
  • Einzel- oder Doppelachse für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen
  • Auflösung 8 μg
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