1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Drehwinkelsensoren
  4. Induktive Drehwinkelsensoren
  5. RVIT-Z induktiver Dreh-/Schwenkwinkelsensor

RVIT-Z induktiver Dreh-/Schwenkwinkelsensor

Sehr flache, kontaktfreie Sensoren mit hoher Genauigkeit und unbegrenzte Auflösung für OEM-Anwendungen


  • Numerous input and output configurations
  • Remote sensing up to 12” away
  • Very low rotor moment of inertia
  • Extremely light weight
  • Low profile design
  • Easy integration into applications
  • Lowest installed cost

About the RVIT-Z Rotary Inductive Position Sensor

The unique design of the RVIT-Z incorporates the proprietary RVIT (Rotary Variable Inductive Transformer) technology and signal conditioning circuitry on a single PCB. The RVIT-Z provides an ultra low profile, high accuracy solution for rotary and angular measurements in OEM applications. The lack of wipers, brushes, slip rings or magnetic materials eliminates wear, static friction, hysteresis and electrical noise. Measuring a fraction the size of other rotary positioning sensors, the RVIT-Z is ideal for space critical rotary sensing applications; it is smaller, flatter and lighter than conventional rotary sensors.

Capable of absolute rotary measurement over ±60°, and extended operation up to ±75° (with compromised linearity), the RVIT-Z provides unsurpassed performance over an extended operating temp. range of -40°C to 125°C. Factory calibration and automated testing assures a non-linearity error of less than ±0.5% of full scale.

The RVIT-Z provides a high degree of design flexibility for custom designs. For applications where remote sensing is required, the RVIT-Z can be tailored allowing the rotary sensing element to remain separated from the electronic circuitry by -up to 12 inches.

Applications for RVITZ-Z

  • Rotary valve position
  • Pump swash plate controls
  • Robotics
  • Pedal/Throttle position
  • HVAC vane position control
  • Transmission position switch
  • Medical equipment
  • Mail sorting machines
  • Joysticks
  • Viscometers
  • ATM money dispensing systems

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Input current 18mA (max)
Input voltage options 5VDC (regulated), 10 to 28VDC (unregulated), ±15VDC (unregulated)
Linear angular range ±60 degrees
Maximum angular range ±75 degrees (with increased non-linearity)
Mechanical angular range 360 degrees (no stops)
Mounting Four #4-40 screws; others
Non-linearity ±0.50% of FR (±60 degrees)
Operating temperature -13°F to +185°F [-25°C to 85°C]
Output current 2mA
Output impedance 1 Ω maximum
Output options 1 to 4VDC, ±2.5VDC, ±10VDC (for ±15VDC input only)
Pulse width modulation Mark/space ratio PWM output, TTL load capable
Sensitivity Factory adjustable
Temp coefficient of output 0.011% of FSO per ºF [0.02% of FSO per ⁰C] over operating temperature range

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