1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Drucksensoren
  4. Faseroptische Drucksensoren
  5. OPP-GF Faseroptischer Druckaufnehmer

OPP-GF Faseroptischer Druckaufnehmer

Der OPP-GF ist ein faseroptischer Drucksensor auf MEMS-Basis und eignet sich hervorragend für Punktschweißanlagen

About the OPP-GF Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors

The OPP-GF is a MEMS-based fiber optic pressure sensor and perfectly suited for spot welding installation.

Due to its low and smooth profile it can be used for pressure monitoring in environments where fluid flow and aerodynamic forces should not be perturbed by the presence of the sensor.

This fiber optic pressure sensor provides long term accuracy and durability with a pressure operating range of up to 700kPa. It can used for pressure monitoring of blade turbine surfaces, wind and hydraulic tunnels and penstock pipes. With its stainless steel body it is designed to work in hazardous and corrosive environments.

The OPP-C pressure sensor is compatible with all our WLPI signal conditioners. Of course also this compact and very robust sensor can be customized to your specific requirements, including a cable up to 3 kilometers long. Please contact our engineers to discuss your application and possibilities.

Features OPP-GF

  • Small and low weight spot-weldable
  • Low and smooth profile design
  • Rugged stainless steel body
  • Complete EMI/RFI/Lightning immunity
  • Intrinsically safe
  • Field-proven accuracy and long term reliability
  • Signal conditioner can be mounted on rotating parts

Applications for OPP-GF

  • Blade turbine surface pressure monitoring
  • Penstock pipe pressure monitoring
  • Energy applications
  • Aerospace and defense
  • Wind and hydraulic tunnels pressure monitoring
  • Geotechnical applications
  • Hazardous, corrosive and nuclear environments
  • Small and confined space application

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Cable length Up to 3 km
Cable sheathing From ruggedized flexible outdoor cable to robust stainless steel cable
Emi/mri lightning Complete immunity
Housing Stainless steel
Measuring range 1.72 to 3.44 bar
Optical connector SCA (Standard), SC (Standard), other connector available on request
Precision ±0.1% F.S. (Excluding thermal effect)
Proof pressure 200% F.S.
Resolution <0.02% F.S. (Range dependant)
Temperature operating range -45°C to 65°C
Thermal coefficient of zero < .03% F.S/°C
Weight 10 grams