1. Althensensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Vibrationssensoren
  4. Hochtemperatur-Vibrationsaufnehmer
  5. CC701-HT Inline-Ladungswandler

CC701-HT Inline-Ladungswandler

Geräuscharmer PiezoFET®-Verstärker


  • Geräuscharmer PiezoFET®-Verstärker
  • Wandelt Ladungsmodus in Spannungsmodus um
  • Funktioniert mit dem branchenüblichen Zwei-Draht-Systemnetzteil
  • Eingangsüberlastschutz
  • Ausgang unempfindlich gegen Kabelbewegungsgeräusche

About the CC701-HT In-line charge converter

The CC701HT charge converter is specifically designed for use with high temperature, charge mode accelerometers. It is a solid state, in-line device which converts the charge output of a high impedance piezoelectric vibration sensor to a low impedance voltage signal. It incorporates an overload-protection circuit and the low noise Piezofet® amplifier. The CC701HT yields a strong signal, immune to cable motion noise, and is compatible with standard signal readout and equipment such as monitors, voltmeters, analyzers, etc. Long cables can be driven without signal loss. The CC701HT charge converter is powered by the constant current source of a power unit/amplifier (models P702, P703B, P704B, PR710 or PR712) or it can be supplied from an external constant current supply of 18-30 VDC, capable of delivering from 2-10 mA (a 4 mA constant current diode minimum is  recommended). 


Key features CC701-HT

  • 4 mV/pC, compatible w/ model 376
  • Overload protection
  • Strong voltage signal
  • Immune to cable motion noise
  • Compatible with standard signal readout equipment

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Allowable source capacitance, max 500 pF
Case material stainless steel
Frequency response ±1, 2.0 - 10,000 Hz | – 3 dB, 1.0 - 20,000 Hz
Harmonic distortion <1%
Nonlinearity <1%
Output voltage, max 5 Vrms
Sensitivity ± 5% 4 mV/pC
Temperature range – 40 to +100° C
Voltage source 18 - 30 VDC
Weight 40 grams