1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Wegsensoren
  4. LVDT-Wegaufnehmer & LVDT-Wegtaster
  5. GHSA-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer

GHSA-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer

Mit federbelasteten AC-LVDTs, 3/4-Zoll-Durchmesser, für eine große Bandbreite an Positions- und Dimensionsmessanwendungen


  • Ranges of ±0.050 inch to ±2.00 inches
  • Repeatability of 0.01% of FRO
  • Non-linearity less than ±0.25% of FRO
  • Coil environmentally sealed to IEC IP-68

About the Spring-loaded AC-LVDT position sensors

The GHSA 750 and GHSAR 750 series of 3/4 inch diameter spring loaded AC-LVDTs are designed for a wide range of position measurement and dimensional gaging applications. These rugged hermetically sealed sensors are constructed entirely of stainless steel and intended for general industrial use. The coil windings are sealed against hostile environments to IEC standard IP-68. The GHSA 750 electrical termination is through a sealed axial connector. The GHSAR 750 electrical termination is through a radially mounted sealed connector, which results in a much reduced installed length. The mating connector plug is supplied with the unit.

The sensor consists of a spring loaded shaft running in a precision sleeve bearing and connected to the core of an LVDT. The use of a precision sleeve bearing results in measurement repeatability of 0.01% of full range or better. The output from the LVDT can be connected to any standard LVDT signal conditioner and then passed to a gaging column display, digital readout, or computer based data acquisition system. The probe shaft is fully extended by a spring exerting a nominal force of 6 to 20 ounces depending upon total range. The contact tip supplied is an AGD standard number 9 made from chrome plated hardened tool steel. It is fully interchangeable with other AGD contact tips.

For simplified mounting the GHSA 750 has a 1/2-20 UNF 2A thread on the front of the housing, permitting the user to install the LVDT in a mating threaded part or by using the two hex nuts furnished with the sensor. This results in a ready-to-use package for position measurements and longer range gaging applications.

Applications for GHSA-Series

  • Industrial gaging systems
  • Electronic dial indicators
  • Fabricated metal products gaging
  • Materials testing apparatus
  • Large shaft TIR measurements

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Technische Spezifikationen

Spezifikationen Wert
Housing material Stainless steel
Measurement range 1.27 to 50.8mm
Non-linearity ±0.25% FR

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Benötigen Sie weitere Informationen?

GHSAR-A-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer

  • Ranges of ±0.050 inch to ±2.00 inches
  • Non-linearity less than ±0.25% of FRO
  • Repeatability of ±0.01% of FRO
Zum Produkt

GHSAR-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer

  • Ranges of ±0.050 inch to ±2.00 inches
  • Repeatability of 0.01% of FRO
  • Non-linearity less than ±0.25% of FRO
Zum Produkt

GHSD-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer

  • Ranges of ±0.020 inch to ±2.00 inches
  • Repeatability <0.01% of FRO
  • Non-linearity less than ±0.25% of FRO
Zum Produkt