PR-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer
Kontaktlose lineare Allzweck-Wegsensoren für OEM- und Endverbraucheranwendungen, mit Wechselstrombetrieb
- Available in 0.750" or 0.812" diameters
- Ranges of ±0.05" to ±10" [±1.25 mm to ±250 mm]
- Non-linearity less than ±0.25%
- 220°F (105°C) operating temperature
- Coil assembly sealed to IEC IP-61
- Magnetically shielded SS housing
About the PR-Series General purpose LVDT position sensors
PR 750 Series of 3/4" (19 mm) diameter AC-Operated LVDTs are general purpose contactless linear position sensors for both OEM applications and end user requirements. PR 812 and PRH 812 Series AC LVDTs are 0.812" (20.6 mm) diameter versions of the PR 750 Series and are designed primarily for use in legacy OEM applications and are not recommended for new designs. In most applications they are a cost effective form, fit, and function replacement LVDT for an OEM or user employing a competitor’s products of similar size and range.
PR 750, PR 812, and PRH 812 Series units are available in full scale measuring ranges from ±0.050" (±1.25 mm) to ±10" (±250 mm). PR 750 and PR 812 Series units offer a core-to-bore radial clearance of 0.031" (0.75 mm), while PRH 812
Series offer a core-to-bore radial clearance of 0.062" (1.6 mm), with the standard 0.25" (6.35 mm) diameter core supplied. PR Series sensors feature the high resolution, excellent repeatability, and low hysteresis associated with
LVDT technology, as well as the highest sensitivity consistent with good linearity. The maximum linearity error for these sensors is ±0.25% of full range output, using a statistically best-fit straight line derived by the least squares method.
Applications for PR-Series
- Machine tools
- Materials testing
- Industrial robots
- Checkweigher scales
- Packaging machinery
- Valve position sensing
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KontaktTechnische Spezifikationen
Spezifikationen | Wert |
Measurement range | 1.27 to 254mm |
Non-linearity | ±.25% FR |
Operating temperature (pr series) | -55 °C to +105 °C |
Operating temperature (prh series) | -55 °C to +150 °C |
Shock survival | 1,000g |
Thermal coefficient of scale factor | -0.02%°C (nominal) |
Vibration tolerance | 20g to 2kHz |
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Benötigen Sie weitere Informationen?

SI-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer
- Standard measurement ranges of 1 to 20 inches
- 4 to 20 mA input/output
- Non-linearity of ±0.25% of FRO or better

SQ-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer
- Rugged, heavy duty construction
- Ranges of ±0.50 inches to ±10.00 inches
- Non-linearity less than ±0.25% of FRO

SSB-Serie LVDT-Wegaufnehmer
- Long term reliability (20+ years)
- Inconel construction standard
- High pressure applications (to 5,000 psi)