MSS Contactless Magnetostrictive Position Sensor
Contactless Magnetostrictive Position Sensor
- Measurement range 50-5000 mm
- 16 bit DAC Output
- Output 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
10-0V, 20-0mA, 20-4mA - Power supply 24 VDC ±10%
About the MSS Contactless Magnetostrictive Position Sensor
The MSS Magnetostrictive Position Sensor has a 16 bit resolution.
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KontaktTechnische Spezifikationen
Spezifikationen | Wert |
Case dimensions | 33 mm x 33 mm |
Case material | Anodized aluminium |
Displacement speed | < 10 m/s |
Linearity | ±0,05% full scale (min. 100 μm) |
Max. comsumption | 50 mA - 90 mA (depending on stroke length) |
Max. output noise | < 5 mVpp |
Measurement stroke | 50 to 5000 mm |
Mechanical fixing | Variable brackets |
Operating temperature | -10OC ... +70OC |
Output | 0...10 V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA 10...0 V, 20...0 mA, 20...4 mA |
Power supply | 24 VDC ±10% |
Protection level | IP 65 - EN 60529 |
Repeatability | ±0,005% (full scale) |
Resolution | 16 bit DAC output |
Storage temperature | -30OC ... +90OC |
Update time | (0-600mm, 0,5ms), (600-1500mm, 1ms), (1500-3000mm, 2ms), (1501-5000mm, 3ms) |
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