1. Althen Sensors
  2. Capteurs
  3. Capteurs de basculement & d’inclinaison
  4. Inclinomètres géotechniques (électrolytiques)
  5. 900 Biaxial Clinometer

900 Biaxial Clinometer

2-Axis small sized clinometer without housing. Excellent choice for many OEM applications

About the 900 Biaxial Clinometer

The dual-axis 900 Clinometer is an inexpensive, gravity-referenced clinometer with analog voltage output and compact dimensions. Sold without a housing, its small size and performance make it an excellent choice for many OEM, test, and measurement applications.

It is available in high-gain, standard, and wide-angle versions, each with a different angular range. The 900 clinometer accepts a wide input voltage range and provides high-level single-ended outputs that are easily measured with any voltmeter or digital recording system. Viscous damping and temperature measurement are available as options.

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Dimensions 50.8 x 50.8 x 16.3 mm
Output ±2.5 VDC or 0-5 VDC
Power requirement 8-24 VDC @ 7mA 10.5-26 VDC @ 7mA for 0-5 VDC output
Range ±10°/±25°/±50°
Resolution 0.005°/0.01°/0.02°
Temperature range -40 to +85° C