1. Althen Sensors
  2. Capteurs
  3. Capteurs de basculement & d’inclinaison
  4. Inclinomètres submersibles
  5. A820 Shallow Water Submersible Tiltmeter with ±5V Output

A820 Shallow Water Submersible Tiltmeter with ±5V Output

Electrolytic tiltmeter line for geophysical and geotechnical applications

About the A820 Shallow Water Submersible Tiltmeter

The A820 Shallow Water Tiltmeter is a high-precision submersible tiltmeter for use in fresh and salt waterapplications. Using an absolute gravity referenced electrolytic sensor, the A820 delivers superior measurement accuracywith virtually nolong-term drift.

High-gain units are sensitive to <0.0017mm/m or better. Output is a stable ±5 DC voltage, which can be read with any VDC input datarecorder. All units are rated to 200 meters(656.2 ft)waterproof for advanced protectionfrom the elements.

Use the A820“Shallow Water” for structural monitoring, angle measurement and control, platform leveling and more.


Output options include analog (±5 VDC, ±10 VDC), current (4-20mA) and digital (RS232 and RS422).

A820 Tiltmeter: ±5V Output
C820 Tiltmeter: 4-20mA Output
D820 Tiltmeter: Digital Output

Digital, analog, RS-232, RS-422, shallow water, submersible, high precision, voltage, current, 4-20 mA

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Dimensions 92.1 x 112.4 x 61 mm
Housing 316 SS
Output ±5 VDC, ±10 VDC, 4-20mA, RS232 or RS422
Range ±0.5°, ±3°, ±50° uniaxial or biaxial
Resolution 0.0001°, 0.0006°, 0.01°
Temperature range -4 to +60° C

Produits apparentés

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D802 Deep Water Submersible Tiltmeter with Digital Output

  • For offshore and deepwater applications
  • Available in a variety of configurations
  • Pressure rating of 250 bars, Higher pressure ratings available
Datasheet Voir le produit

G623 Submersible Large Angle Tilt Sensor

  • IP68 protection
  • For use in potentially explosive gas/vapour atmospheres
  • Angle set to customer’s requirement
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