1. Althensensors
  2. Capteurs
  3. Capteurs de contrainte
  4. Jauges de contrainte à fibre optique
  5. OSP-A Fiber Optic Strain Gauge

OSP-A Fiber Optic Strain Gauge

Miniature fiber optic strain gauge for deformation monitoring in harsh environment

About the OSP-A Fiber Optic Straingauge

The OSP-A is a highly versatile miniature fiber optic strain sensor for deformation monitoring in harsh environments.

The sensor is one of the most accurate fiber optic strain gauge sensors in the industry. It delivers unprecedented repeatability and reliability in the most adverse conditions such as high levels of electromagnetic fields as well as high voltage and rapid temperature cycling conditions.

This newest fiber optic strain gauge is completely insensitve to transverse strains and temperature. Its miniature size makes the sensor ideal for space-constrained applications such as intelligent loadcells, bolts and studs.

This miniature and robust fiber optic strain gauge sensor, available with different cabling and sheath options, is customizable according to your specific requirements for T&M and OEM-type applications.

Features OSP-A

  • Maintenance free without drifting over time
  • Outstanding repeatability
  • No temperature compensation required
  • Insensitive to transverse strains
  • Intrinsically safe
  • Easy to set-up and operate
  • EMI/RFI and microwave immune

Applications for OSP-A

  • Civil engineering and geotechnical applications
  • Marine and subsea conditions
  • High voltage environments
  • Radiated environments
  • Nuclear and hazardous environments
  • ATEX environment and zone exposed to explosive atmosphere

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Cable length 1.5 meters standard (other lenghts available)
Cable sheathing From ruggedized flexible outdoor cable to robust stainless steel cable
Emi/rfi susceptibility Complete immunity
Gauge factor accuracy ± 3%, ± 5%, ± 10%
Measuring range ± 500 µε, ± 1000 µε, ± 2500 µε, ± 5000 µε, ± 7500 µε (Extended range)
Optical connector SCA standard, SC standard, ST available on request
Resolution 0.15 µɛ, 0.3 µɛ, 0.75 µɛ
Signal conditioner compatibility All WLPI signal conditioners
Temperature operating range -40°C to + 250°C (other ranges available upon request)
Temperature sensitivity Temperature insensitive
Transverse strain sensitivity Transverse strain insensitive