1. Althensensors
  2. Capteurs
  3. Capteurs de couple
  4. Capteurs de couple rotatifs
  5. 01424 Rotating Torque Sensor

01424 Rotating Torque Sensor

DigitaI rotary shaft torque transducer

Caractéristiques principales

  • Capacity: 0,35 / 0,71 / 1,41 / 3,53 / 7,06 / 12 / 23 / 56 / 113 / 226 / 565 / 1.130 / 1.700 / 2.260 Nm
  • Max shaft speed 10.000 rpm
  • Non-linearity 0.1 % F.S.
  • Output signal ±5 V
  • Supply voltage 12 - 15 VDC

About the 01424 Rotating Torque Sensor

These sensors are designed to measure rotating drive torque using a conventional shaft-to-shaft configuration for in-line placement. The unique design incorporates a digital non-contact wireless system that provides power to the rotating electronics mounted on the shaft and transmits the signal back to the receiver in digital format. The torque signal is then represented as a calibrated high level analog voltage. The sensor features high rotational speed, high frequency response, and high accuracy. These sensors can also be supplied with an optical encoder to measure angle or speed.

Available options 01424:

  • Signal amplifier output = ±10 V FS
  • Integral optical encoder - 512 ppr (10000 rpm)
  • Integral optical encoder - 1024 ppr (5800 rpm)
  • Foot mount


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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Bandwidth DC … 1 kHz
Capacity 0.35 / 0.71 / 1.41 / 3.53 / 7.06 / 12 / 23 / 56 / 113 / 226 / 565 / 1130 / 1700 / 2260 Nm
Compensated temperature range +21 to +76 °C (+70 to +170 °F)
Hysteresis 0.10 % of FS
Maximum shaft speed 10000 rpm for 2000 in-lbs and less; 7500 rpms for larger capacities
Non-linearity 0.10 % of FS
Operating temperature range -40 - 85 °C (-40 - +185 °F)
Output at fs ±5 VDC isolated
Overload capacity 150 % of FS
Sample rate 20000 samples per second
Supply current, max. 350 mA
Supply voltage 12 - 15 VDC
Temperature effect on span 0.002 % of reading/°F (0.004 % of reading/K)
Temperature effect on zero 0.002 % of FS/°F (0.004 % of FS/K)
Zero balance 1.0 % of FS

Produits apparentés

Besoin d'autre chose?

90415 IRT Rotating Torque Sensor

  • Measuring range 100 to 27.000 Nm
  • Max shaft speed 15.000 rpm
  • Non-linearity 0.05 %
Datasheet Voir le produit