1. Althen Sensors
  2. Instrumentation
  3. Instrumentation à Fibre Optique
  4. Conditionneurs de signaux à fibres optiques
  5. TempSens Fiber Optic Amplifiers

TempSens Fiber Optic Amplifiers

Multi-channel signal conditioner for temperature monitoring in MR environment

About the TempSens Fiber Optic Amplifiers

Multi-channel signal conditioner for applications using GaAs based fiber optic temperature sensors.

The TempSens is a multi-channel and easy to operate signal conditioner that is used with any of the GaAs-based fiber optic temperature sensors.

At the heart of the TempSens is the Semiconductor Band Gap (SCBG) technology which provides a mean for making accurate measurements of the temperature-dependent bandgap of GaAs crystal.

The TempSens is equipped with a large visible LCD and it comes with standard ±5 V outputs and a RS-232 communication port for real-time data acquisition. The TempSens can be controlled directly using the frontpanel keypad or remotely using the standard RS-232 interface.

With a ± 0.3°C accuracy or better (total accuracy including both signal conditioner and sensor errors from 20°C to 45°C) and 0.1°C resolution, the TempSens delivers the performances needed for a wide range of critical measurement applications.

Features TempSens

  • ± 0.3 °C total system accuracy
  • 4 or 8 channels with large LCD display
  • High linearity and repeatability
  • 50 Hz sampling rate
  • ±5 V and RS-232 output interfaces
  • OEM version available

Applications for TempSens

  • General laboratory applications
  • Temperature monitoring in MR environment
  • RF, ultrasound and electro surgery environments
  • High voltage environments
  • EMI, RFI and microwave environments
  • Microwave and food processing
  • Nuclear and hazardous environments
  • Civil engineering and geotechnical applications

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Applications Lab
Number of channels 4 or 8
Output - interface Display, Memory, RS-232, AO:+/-5V
Sampling rate 50Hz
Sensor compatibility SCBG (GaAs)