1. Althen Sensors
  2. Instrumentation
  3. Instrumentation d'automatisation Numérique
  4. Acquisition de données (DAQ)
  5. IOLITEi-1xACC Signal Conditioner

IOLITEi-1xACC Signal Conditioner

Single channel signal conditioner for IEPE sensors with high-precision isolated front end and Ether CAT bus on the back

About the IOLITEi-1xACC

The IOLITEi-1xACC is a singel channel signal conditioner for IEPE sensors with high-precision isolated front end and EtherCAT bus on the back side.

Key features

  • 24bit ADC, 40 KS/s max. sample rate
  • -100 dB noise floor, 100dB spurious-free dynamic range
  • Singal and power isolation from EtherCAT to front-end
  • TEDS communication
  • EtherCAT bus, daisy-chaining with single cable up to 50 m device-device
  • DEWESoft X3 software support

Typical applications

  • Machine vibration monitoring
  • Bearing fault detection
  • Modal structural analysis


Devices are daisy chained with a standard network cable. It is recommended that the cable is shielded (SFTP, CAT5e) and has a minimum 24 AWG wire thickness. The cable must have 4 wire pairs. The maximum distance node-to-node is 50m.

Power supply: Passive PoE power injector is necessary for merging the EtherCAT signal and power into a single cable.


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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Acd resolution 24 bit
Hardware high-pass filters 0.1, 1 Hz
Input coupling AC, DC
Max. sample rate 40 kS/s
Measurement modes IEPE, Voltage
Measurement ranges +/- 10, +/- 5, +/- 1, +/- 0.2 V
Operating temperature -20...60 degC
Sensor recognition TEDS over IEPE
Supply voltage 12-48 V