1. Althen Sensors
  2. Instrumentation
  3. Instrumentation d'automatisation Numérique
  4. Amplificateurs de mesure avec interfaces bus (OIML)
  5. TLB EtherNet/IP Digital Amplifier

TLB EtherNet/IP Digital Amplifier

Digital amplifier | Indicator for load cells

About the TLB EtherNet/IP Digital Amplifier

Weight amplifier and indicator for Omega/DIN rail mounting suitable for back panel; space-saving vertical shape.

Key features TLB EtherNet/IP

  • Six-digit semialpTLB EtherNet/IPhanumeric display (8mm h), 7 segment LED
  • Four buttons
  • Dimensions: 25 x 115 x 120 mm

The instrument is equipped with two communication ports:

  • Slave EtherNet/IP port
  • RS485 for connection to:
    • PC/PLC up to 32 instruments (max 99 with line repeaters) by ASCII Laumas protocol (compatible with W60000) or ModBus RTU Protocol
    • Remote display

Theoretical calibration by using buttons.


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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
A/d converter 24 bit (16000000 points) 4.8 kHz
Digital filter / conversion rate 0.012 - 7 s / 5 - 300 Hz
Divisions, max ±999999
Ethernet/ip port RJ45 10Base-T (10 Mbps) or 100Base-TX (100 Mbps)
Linearity <0.01% FS
Logic inputs 2x - optoisolated 5 - 24 VDC PNP
Logic relay outputs 3x - max. 115 VAC / 150 mA
Number of load cells (parallel and supply) max. 8 (350 Ω); 5 VDC / 120 mA
Power supply and consumption 12 - 24 VDC ±10 %; 5 W
Rs485 port - baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200