1. Althen Sensors
  2. Instrumentation
  3. Instrumentation d'automatisation Numérique
  4. Indicateurs numériques pour systèmes de pesage
  5. W100 LED Indicator

W100 LED Indicator

LED indicator

About the W100 LED Indicator

Weight Indicator in DIN case (48 x 96 x 130 mm, drilling template 44 x 91mm) for panel mounting. IP54 front panel protection. Six-digit red LED semialphanumeric display (14 mm h), 7 segment; 8 signaling LED. Four-key membrane keyboard. Real-time clock with buffer battery.


Key features W100

  • 5 setpoints (4 setpoints if Analog Output is present) configurable as normally open or normally closed. The operator can decide the setpoints activation for the net weight value, gross weight value, otherwise for positive weights or for positive and negative weights.
  • Setting of hysteresis value for each setpoint.
  • 12 groups selection by 5 setpoint from selector switch or contacts (EC/E options).
  • Peak holder displaying by closing the Peak contact.
  • Net/Gross function by keyboard or external contact.

Two serial ports (RS232 and RS485) for connection to:

  • PC/PLC up to 32 instruments (max 99 with line repeaters) by ASCII Laumas protocol (compatible with W60000) or ModBus RTU. Optional Protocols: Profibus DP and Ethernet/ModbusTCP by appropriate converter
  • Remote display
  • Printer

Theoretical calibration is performed via the keyboard. Real calibration with linearization up to 5 points.
Remote display: the instrument can be used as a remote display with setpoints.


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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
A/d converter 24 bit (16000000 points) 4.8 kHz
Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200
Digital filter / conversion rate 0.012 - 7 s / 5 - 300 Hz
Divisions, max. (with measure range &plumn10 mv = 2 mv/v) ±999999
Linearity <0.01 % FS
Linearity of analog output <0.01 % FS
Logic inputs 3x - optoisolated 5 - 24 VDC PNP (2x - analog output versions)
Logic outputs (relays) 5x - max 115 VAC ; 150 mA (4x - analog output versions)
Number of load cells in parallel and supply max. 8 (350 Ω); 5 VDC / 120 mA
Power supply and consumption 12 - 24 VDC ±10 %; 5 W
Serial ports RS232, RS485