1. Althen Sensors
  2. Instrumentation
  3. Instrumentation d'automatisation Numérique
  4. Indicateurs numériques pour systèmes de pesage
  5. WINOX-BL LCD Indicator

WINOX-BL LCD Indicator

LCD weighbridge indicator IP40

About the WINOX-BL LCD Indicator

AISI 304 stainless steel weight Indicator (dimensions: 206 x 286 x 85 mm). IP40 desk version with 4 D-SUB connectors. Power supply included. Six-digit backlit LCD semialphanumeric display (20 mm h), 7 segment; 46 signaling symbols. 19-key membrane keyboard with buzzer. Real-time clock with buffer battery.

key features WINOX-BL

  • Double weighing (Entry and Exit)
  • Single weighing (Entry or Exit)
  • Double weighing with trailer
  • Single weighing with trailer
  • Mutliple weighing (weighing of multi-compartment trucks).
  • Open input weighs archive (max 254)
  • Trucks database with password, max 999 preset tare that can be stored and
  • recalled
  • Trafic light function
  • Totals management (loaded and unloaded material)
  • Customizable print header (4 lines) via PC
  • Supported external printer: Epson TM-U295, Epson LX300, Custom Kube II, Laumas STAVT.

Two serial ports (RS232 and RS485) for connection to:

  • PC/PLC up to 32 instruments (max 99 with line repeaters) by ASCII Laumas protocol or ModBus RTU.
  • Remote display.
  • Printer.

Theoretical calibration is performed via the keyboard. Real calibration with linearization up to 5 points.

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
A/d converter 24 bit (16000000 points) 4.8 kHz
Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 115200
Digital filter / conversion rate 0.012 - 7 s / 5 - 300 Hz
Divisions, max. (with measure range &plumn10 mv = 2 mv/v) ±999999
Linearity <0.01 % FS
Logic inputs 3x - optoisolated 5 - 24 VDC PNP
Logic outputs (relays) 5x - max 115 VAC ; 150 mA
Number of load cells in parallel and supply max. 8 (350 Ω); 5 VDC / 120 mA
Power supply and consumption 12 - 24 VDC ±10 %; 6 W
Serial ports RS232, RS485