1. Althen Sensors
  2. Systèmes de Mesure
  3. Système de mesure de la pression et de la température
  4. Aeroprobe
  5. Omniprobes


For measurement applications involving higher angularity, unknown angularity, or reversed flows

About the Omniprobes

These probes were designed and patented for applications requiring a very high range of incidence angles. As their name suggests, they are capable of near-omni-directional flow measurement. Omniprobes are also ideal in applications where the predominant direction of the flow is not known in advance or where the probe may see a complete reversal of the flow during testing. A micro-machined spherical tip accommodates 12 pressure ports that allow for measurement of +/- 150 degrees of flow angle.


Key features Omniprobes

  • 12 hole
  • Spherical tip geometry
  • Standard tip diameter 6.35 and 9.53 mm
  • Capable of measuring flow vectors up to ±150 °
  • Temperature ratings up to 500° C
  • High accuracy NIST traceable aerodynamic calibrations
  • Up to 9000 discrete aerodynamic calibration points per speed
  • 303, 304 Stainless steel construction; Optional nickel based super alloy for high strength
  • Custom engineering solutions available
  • Available in Straight and L-shaped geometries
  • Standard media: non-reactive gases, air, water, and other fluids
  • Angle error less than ±2°
  • Velocity error less than ±3% or ±0.005 m/s (whichever is larger)


Applications Omniprobes

  • High-angularity wake measurements around automobile wheels
  • Wake measurements behind automobiles and rolling-road wind tunnels
  • Wind engineering or combustor swirl flows

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Spécifications techniques

Spécifications Valeur
Average measured angular deviation <1°
Average measured velocity deviation ± 3% or ±1 m/s (whichever is larger)
Probe calibrations 5 m/s to Mach 1.0
Temperature ratings to 900°C
Tip diameters 6.35 mm