1. Althen Sensors
  2. Measurement Systems
  3. Railway measurement systems
  4. Wheel profile measurement tool
  5. FDVKP Automated Wheel Sets Control System

FDVKP Automated Wheel Sets Control System

Designed for making automatic measurement of 27 geometric parameters of wheel pairs of wagons

About the FDVKP Automated Wheel Sets Control System

The system is designed for making automatic measurement of 27 geometric parameters of wheel pairs of wagons in the course of incoming and outgoing inspections carried out in railcar/wheel shops, wagon depots and wheelpair repair and gathering workshops.

Parameters FDVKP

  • Wheel parameters: out-of-roundness, deviation of roll surface countour from desired profile, wheel flange parameters, wheel tread width and thickness, defects on rolling surface, and wheel separation distance.
  • Axle journal parameters: average diameters underneath the first and second bearings, out-of-roundness and taper.
  • Axle parameters: diameters and ovality of pre-wheel-seat parts, diameters of wheal seats and middle parts of axle.

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Technical Specifications

Specification Value
Full time of control No more than 4 minutes
Maximum power consumption No more than 5kW
Measurement error for other parameters 0,1mm
Measurement error for parameters of axle journal No more than 4µm
Measurement error for parameters of pre-wheel-seat part 4µm
Measurement range for diameter of axle journal 129,0 - 130,5mm
Measurement range for diameter of middle part of axle 150mm - 175mm
Measurement range for diameter of pre-wheel-seat part 163,5 - 166,0mm
Measurement range for wheel diameter 850mm - 965mm
Measurement range of for diameter of wheel seat part 180 - 200mm
Number of rolling surface contours that can be controlled No less than 600
Overall dimensions fo the systems 3200mm x 2700mm x 2900mm
System weight 4000kg