1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Lineaire Positiesensoren
  4. LVDT sensoren
  5. SI-Series LVDT Positiesensor

SI-Series LVDT Positiesensor

Loop-powered 4-20 mA LVDT-positiezender met een diameter van 3/4 inch, ontworpen voor een breed scala aan toepassingen voor position monitoring en feedback applications

Belangrijkste kenmerken

  • Standard measurement ranges of 1 to 20 inches
  • 4 to 20 mA input/output
  • Non-linearity of ±0.25% of FRO or better
  • Industry-standard 3/4 inch (19 mm) diameter
  • Through-bore design
  • Sealed to IEC IP-62

About the SI-Series General purpose 4-20 mA LVDT position sensor

The SI 750 Series of 3/4 inch diameter, loop-powered 4-20 mA LVDT position transmitters is designed for a wide range of position monitoring and feedback applications.

Their stainless steel housings act as magnetic shields to reduce the effects of external AC magnetic fields, and their sealing meets IEC standard IP-62.

Available in standard ranges of 1 inch (25 mm) to 20 inches (500 mm), the maximum linearity error for an SI 750 Series sensor is ±0.25% of full range output using a statistically best-fit straight line derived by the least squares method.

SI 750 Series transmitters offer the frictionless operation, high resolution, excellent repeatability, and low hysteresis associated with LVDT technology, along with the convenience and simplicity of a precalibrated 4-20 mA current loop operation. The built-in electronics operate over a wide range of loop supply voltages and resistances, and are designed to operate with many PLCs, digital indicators, A/D converters, computer based data processors, and QC data collection systems.

Applications for SI-Series

  • Machine tool positioners
  • Materials testing extensometers
  • Hydraulic cylinder position
  • Valve position sensing
  • Automatic assembly equipment

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Niet precies wat u zoekt? Wij bieden standaard sensoren, maar kunnen u ook helpen met voor u aangepaste sensoren of een volledig op maat gemaakte meetoplossing. Neem contact met ons op voor advies of prijzen.

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
Frequency response (-3db) 50Hz (nominal)
Loop resistance (min.) 50 Ohms
Loop supply voltage 10V to 28VDC
Measurement range 25.4 to 508mm
Non-linearity ±.1% to ±.25% FR
Operating temperature -30°C to +85°C
Output 4-20mA
Shock survival 100g
Thermal coefficient of scale factor -0.027%/°C nominal
Vibration tolerance 20g to 2kHz

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  • Hogedruktoepassingen (tot 5.000 psi)
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