1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Rotatiesensoren en rotatie encoders
  4. Rotatie potentiometers (potmeters)
  5. DA Turns-counting Dials Digital Type Rotatie Potmeter

DA Turns-counting Dials Digital Type Rotatie Potmeter

Draaien tellende wijzerplaten Potentiometer met digitale uitlezing

Belangrijkste kenmerken

  • Read-out: Digital
  • Outer dimensions (mm): 24
  • Max. Number of turns-counting: 10
  • Macthing shaft dia. (mm): 6, 6.35
  • Lock device: Yes

About the DA Turns-counting Dials Digital Type Potentiometer

The DA has a round-shaped digital read-out dial. Two kinds of special adaptors to adjust the heigh of the dial are available.

Turns-counting dials Potentiometers are designed for use with Helicalohm Potentiometers and multi-turn potentiometers. They have a elegant appearance and rigid construction offering an easy reading, smooth rotation and accurate counting.

Special Specifications available

Knob in white color, specially marked in face plate such as with a decimal point, comma, etc. DA dial without lock device.

How to mount DA Series

The mounting adaptor of Model DA Series Digital Counting Dial and the Helicalohm pot. are fixed on the panel according to the illustration given left. The shaft of the Helicalohm pot. is turned anti clockwise to its limit and is put into the mounting hole of the dial which was already set at "000". The shaft of the Helicalohm pot. is secured by the screw positioned at the knob of the dial with the attached hexagonal wrench. With this, the mounting is completed.


Do not rotate the fixing screw over 180º with the hexagonal wrench when removing Helicalohm pot. from model DA Series Digital Counting Dial. Otherwise, innner neighbouring plastic gear may be damaged.

Recessed Mounting Adaptor

Two kinds of Recessed Mounting Adaptors are available on option in Model DA dial.

When using this recessed mounting adaptor, please place an order for the potentiometer, digital turns-counting dial and recessed mounting adaptor in one set for assembling them at Althen and it will be supplied in one unit.

Heeft u deze sensor nodig voor uw project?

Vraag een vrijblijvende offerte aan of stuur ons uw contactgegevens voor een gratis en vrijblijvend gesprek. Onze sales engineers nemen dan binnen maximaal 1 tot 2 werkdagen contact met u op.

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Niet precies wat u zoekt? Wij bieden standaard sensoren, maar kunnen u ook helpen met voor u aangepaste sensoren of een volledig op maat gemaakte meetoplossing. Neem contact met ons op voor advies of prijzen.

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
Special: 6.35
Combinable helicalohm pot. (matching shaft length of 25mm) 25HP, 20HHP, 46HD, 20HP
Lock device Yes
Mass (approx. g) 40
Matching shaft diameter (mm) Standard: 6
Max. number of turns-counting 10
Operating temp. range -30ºC ~+85ºC
Outer dimensions (mm) 24
Read-out Digital

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