1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Rotatiesensoren en rotatie encoders
  4. Rotatie potentiometers (potmeters)
  5. FSCB30A Sinus Cosinus Rotatie Potentiometer

FSCB30A Sinus Cosinus Rotatie Potentiometer

Niet-lineaire geleidende kunststof (Servomount) SIN/COS Potentiometer

Belangrijkste kenmerken

  • Dimensions (mm) DxL: 29×22.5
  • Element: conductive plastic
  • Function characteristics: 360°sin/cos
  • Conformity peak to peak (± %): 1.0 to 0.7
  • Mechanical travel: 360°
  • Electrical travel: 360°

About the FSCB30A Sinus Cosinus Potentiometer

The FSCB30A is a servomount type potentiometer with ball bearings and precision sine/cosine output. It is available in multiple diameters.

Standard Specifications Available

Multi-ganged (available up to 3 gangs. Housing length is extended by 16mm per 1 gang), shaft with front and rear extension (rear shaft with 3mm dia. and 10mm length), shaft dia. (ø3.175mm) with inch dimensions, special machining on the shaft.

Heeft u deze sensor nodig voor uw project?

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Niet precies wat u zoekt? Wij bieden standaard sensoren, maar kunnen u ook helpen met voor u aangepaste sensoren of een volledig op maat gemaakte meetoplossing. Neem contact met ons op voor advies of prijzen.

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
Precision Class ±0.7%
(peak-peak) resolution Essentially infinite
Conformity tolerance Standard Class ±1.0%
Contact resistance variation Within 8% C.R.V.
Dialectric strength 1 minute at 500 V.A.C.
Electrical travel 360º (Endless)
Insulation resistance Over 1000MΩ at 500 V.D.C.
Mass Approx. 30g
Mechanical travel 360º (Endless)
Output smoothness Within 0.1% against input voltage
Power rating 0.75W
Resist. temp. coefficient ±400p.p.m./ºC
Shaft dia. (mm) 3
Special practical resistance values 500, 20k, 50k (Ω)
Standard resistance values 1k, 2k, 5k, 10k (Ω)
Starting torque Within 3mN·m (30gf·cm)
Total resistance tolerance Standard Class ±15% (L), Precision Class ±10% (K)

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