1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Tilt en inclinatiesensoren
  4. Geotechnische inclinometers
  5. 750-100/200 Series Black Diamond Digitale Sensor

750-100/200 Series Black Diamond Digitale Sensor

Eenassige of tweeassige tiltmeter met digitale uitgang (RS485 of RS422)

About the D750-100/200 Digital Tiltmeters

The D750-100/200 tiltmeter is a digital tilt sensor line for geotechnical measurement. It features a 0.001° resolution and industry standard RS-485 or RS-422 digital output signals.

Key features D750-100/200 Tilt Sensor

  • Digital output
  • Resolution 0.001°
  • Mechanical Shock 1500g 1msec 1/2 sine
  • Industry Standard EIA RS485
  • For use in high shock and vibration environments
  • High Precision and Performance
  • Low Noise

Applications D750-100/200

  • Radar/Antenna Control
  • Structural Monitoring
  • Seismic Monitoring
  • Platform Leveling
  • Lab Testing & Research

Black Diamond Series

Black Diamond Tiltmeters are low-cost, high-precision tilt sensors designed with higher accuracy than comparable MEMS devices. They are meant for geotechnical monitoring applications including bridge sag and sway, deflection measurement, platform leveling, and structural analysis.

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Niet precies wat u zoekt? Wij bieden standaard sensoren, maar kunnen u ook helpen met voor u aangepaste sensoren of een volledig op maat gemaakte meetoplossing. Neem contact met ons op voor advies of prijzen.

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
Dimensions 35 x 79 x 55 mm
Output RS485 or RS422
Range ±1°, ±3°, ±14.5°, ±30°, ±60°
Resolution 0.001°
Seal MILD-STD-202 Method 112
Temperature range -40°C to +85°C

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