1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensoren
  3. Tilt en inclinatiesensoren
  4. Geotechnische inclinometers
  5. D802 Diepwater Digitale Submersible Tiltmeter

D802 Diepwater Digitale Submersible Tiltmeter

Zeer nauwkeurige onderwaterhellingmeter voor gebruik in maritieme, offshore- en diepzeetoepassingen

About the D802 DeepWater Digital Submersible Tiltmeter

The D802 Deep Water Digital Tiltmeter is the fully submersible version of the D801 Tuff Tilt Tiltmeter. Performance features are the same, but the DeepWater housing is machined from a solid piece of 316 stainless steel and incorporates a high-pressure neoprene connector. The pressure rating is 250 bars (2500 meters depth). Higher-pressure versions may be special ordered.

Temperature rating is governed by the neoprene connector. Wider temperature range is available with other connector types. Units are available in a variety of configurations including single axis (uniaxial), or dual-axis (biaxial), analog, digital, or 4-20mA outputs.

DeepWater tiltmeters are excellent choices for offshore work and other underwater applications.

Other Configurations (output)

A802 Deep Water Submersible Tiltmeter with ±5V Output
C802 DeepWater Submersible Tiltmeter with 4-20mA Output

Single-axis, dual-axis, digital, analog, waterproof, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, Tuff Tilt, submersible, high pressure, IP68, 316SS, deep water, 4-20ma

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Technische specificaties

Specificaties Waarde
Dimensions 149 x 91 x 82 mm
Housing 316 stainless steel
Output RS232 or RS422, full duplex
Power requirement +7 to +28 VDC @ 27mA
Range ±5°/±60° uniaxial or biaxial
Resolution 0.0001°/0.002°
Temperature range -4 to +60°C

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