MonoDAQ-U-X is a small, powerful and easy-to-use instrument. In just a few minutes you can prepare a setup to acquire and analyze almost any analog or digital signal, or even generate multiple output signals simultaneously. This is a tool that every engineer should have for his daily work.
What is a climate chamber?
Environmental or climate chambers are rooms in which certain climatic conditions are simulated. In most cases, this involves air that is brought to specific values of temperature, humidity or pressure. Products can then be tested in these rooms. In most climate chambers temperature and humidity are the two most important measured variables . Pressure is of importance when vacuum or overpressure conditions are to be simulated. The presence of certain gases can also be relevant for testing products.

Which devices are used for measurement?
For most precise measurement of temperature, RTD sensors are used, typically to control the chamber. When extremely high temperatures are measured or when the measurement requires many small measurement points, thermocouples are used. The signals from RTDs and thermocouples can be accurately and cost-effectively acquired with the MonoDAQ-U product line, as can those from humidity and pressure sensors. If the distance between the measuring points is very large (in the case of synchronous monitoring of a group of chambers in the same software environment), the EtherCAT-based IODLITEdi product line offers the best solution.
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- 50 V to 100 mV input voltage ranges
- 20 mA current input range (internal shunt)

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