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  3. Tilt measurement of an hydraulic hammer
case study Maritime Industry | Test & Measurement Solutions

Tilt measurement of an hydraulic hammer

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A Hydrohammer is a hydraulic hammer used for striking steel piles. The hydrohammer is suitable for all types of on- and offshore pile driving and foundation work, ranging from starter piles to the largest monopiles in the world.

The hydrohammer is used in rough environments: on construction sites or in the middle of the sea. For our customer, it is important that the hydrohammer can be installed quickly, is maximally deployable, can be used for a long time and gives reliable results.

Inclination measurement is indispensable for hydrohammers

When drilling or hitting the piles, the position of the hydrohammer is extremely important. For this reason, inclination sensors are attached to most hydrohammers to measure the inclination. These measurements are carried out in difficult conditions: shocks, temperature, (salt) water, wind, etc.

Mechanical vibrations

The mechanical "noise" during pile driving is the biggest problem for most inclination sensors. Our engineering team has developed an inclination measurement system with a special filter to prevent noise from vibrations. The sensor is oil-immersed which provides the primary protection against the mechanical impact of the hammer. It is a so-called "active" or "closed-loop" sensor, with which the inclination is determined with high accuracy.

The inclinometer is integrated in a custom-made housing made of high-grade steel, has a special coating and is fully cast with a marine casting compound. This protects the sensor against offshore conditions. After each series of strokes, the sensor measures the angle up to 1/1000 degree. The measured value is available within a single second.

Advantages of this sensor solution

  • Highly accurate
  • Robust sensor
  • Vibration proof
  • Specially developed for hydraulic hammers

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  • IP68 aluminium enclosure
  • Supply voltage 18 - 28 VDC
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  • IP66 environmental sealing
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