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  3. Tow test force measurement system for Ocean Cleanup
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Tow test force measurement system for Ocean Cleanup

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The Global Ocean plastic problem

Over 5 trillion pieces of plastic currently litter the ocean. Trash accumulates in 5 ocean garbage patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and California. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health and economies. Solving it requires a combination of closing the source and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean.

Collaboration between Althen and Ocean Cleanup

Since the beginning, Althen has been in contact with the engineering department of the Ocean Cleanup. The ambitious goal to design and develop a cleaning system could greatly benefit from reliable data to ensure safety, prevent maintenance issues, and conduct accurate testing. After iterative design changes and multiple scale model tests at Marin, it is now time to bring these concepts into reality.

Force monitoring system: requirements and specifications

The Ocean Cleanup requested a force monitoring system to measure the forces between the towing vessel and the system being towed. The expected forces would not exceed 10 tonnes, but with unknown variables in play, the system was designed with a 12-tonne measurement range and a breaking load capacity of 300% (36 tonnes).

Given the marine environment, a submersible load shackle was applied, capable of functioning up to 10 meters underwater. The internally amplified load shackle provides a 4-20 mA output signal to accommodate potentially long cable lengths.

Standalone measurement system

In combination with Althen’s Glet Box module and a Graphtech datalogger, a standalone battery-powered measurement system was created. This system collects data in real time, monitored via the datalogger. The recorded data can later be transferred via USB for further analysis.

Product spotlight: ALS-B-1000 Load shackle

The ALS-B-1000 Load Shackle is a bow-type load cell designed for lifting and weighing in rugged or harsh environments, including submersible applications.

Load pins load shackles

Load pins & Load shackles

  • Measuring range 100 to 1.500.00 kg
  • Designed for lifting and weighing
  • Made for rugged and harsh environments
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GLET modules

  • Passive and active modular enclosure
  • Easy way to connect different signals

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GRAPHTEC accessories

  • For GRAPHTEC data acquisition/ logger systems
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Initial Tow-tests in 2018

In 2018, the Ocean Cleanup planned to launch its first operational cleaning system. During the first half of the year, several tow-tests were conducted where a tow ship pulled a 120-meter segment approximately 50 nautical miles offshore of San Francisco. The vessel towed the unit in multiple directions to test its hydrodynamic behavior.Monitoring the force on the linkage between the tow vessel and the 120-meter segment was a critical parameter during these tests.

Final rehearsals and full-scale deployment

In Q3 of 2018, a final 600-meter system was towed 240 nautical miles offshore, where it was launched in operational configuration for extensive monitoring. After these rehearsals, System 001 was to be towed to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, approximately 1,200 nautical miles offshore, to begin its cleanup mission.

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Althen's turn-key force monitoring system

Ensuring Safety During Tow-Tests

During tow-tests, controlling the forces on the connection between the towing vessel and the system is crucial. Rough sea conditions, currents, and wind can significantly increase these forces. The force monitoring system allows real-time adjustments to towing speed, minimizing the risk of damage and ensuring successful deployment.

Althen’s innovative force monitoring system ensured safety and reliability throughout the mission, enabling the removal of plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This collaboration showcases how technology and determination can address even the most daunting global challenges. With each successful cleanup, we move closer to a future where the oceans are free from plastic, ecosystems thrive, and the beauty of our planet is preserved for generations to come.

Het innovatieve krachtcontrolesysteem van Althen zorgde tijdens de missie voor veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid, waardoor het plastic uit de Great Pacific Garbage Patch kon worden verwijderd. Deze samenwerking laat zien hoe technologie en vastberadenheid zelfs de meest afschrikwekkende wereldwijde uitdagingen kunnen aangaan. Met elke succesvolle schoonmaakactie komen we dichter bij een toekomst waarin de oceanen vrij zijn van plastic, ecosystemen floreren en de schoonheid van onze planeet voor toekomstige generaties behouden blijft.

Please feel free to contact us for questions and more information.

Sander van der Elst

Sales Engineer