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  4. Linear inductive postion sensors

Linear inductive postion sensors

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Linear Inductive Position Sensors

A linear inductive position sensor is a non-contact alternative to a linear potentiometer. Inductive position sensors operate on an electromagnetic principle, making them non-contact and highly wear-resistant. Inductive position sensors are extremely robust, durable and are very accurate in detecting linear motion, with stroke length measurements of up to 800 mm.

Modern linear inductive position sensors are built with rugged materials so they can operate in harsh conditions, such as low and high temperatures, high humidity and explosive environments. For example, we offer linear inductive position sensors that are hermetically sealed and can operate under extreme pressure, even in seawater or corrosive acid. Another example is the use of special alloys in the sensor housing such as cobalt, nickel and chromium. This allows the sensor to operate in the presence of corrosive compounds and extremely high temperatures. All these different types of material increase the versatility of linear inductive sensor applications.