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  4. Subsea pressure sensors

Subsea pressure sensors

Designed to measure pressure in underwater environments, such as oceans, seas, and other deep-water settings. These sensors are crucial for various marine applications, including offshore oil and gas exploration, underwater research, and marine engineering projects.

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Althen Sensors & Controls offers a comprehensive range of pressure sensors designed to meet the diverse needs of underwater applications. Our subsea pressure sensors are known for their high precision, reliability, and durability, making them an excellent choice for critical marine operations. With a commitment to quality and innovation, Althen ensures that the sensors deliver accurate performance even in the most challenging underwater conditions. Whether for research, exploration, or industrial use, Althen's pressure sensors provide the dependable measurements needed for success in sub sea environments.

Subsea pressure sensors

Subsea pressure sensors are specialized instruments designed to measure pressure in underwater environments, such as oceans, seas, and other deep-water settings. These sensors are crucial for various marine applications, including offshore oil and gas exploration, underwater research, and marine engineering projects. These sensors are capable of measuring a wide range of pressures, from shallow waters to deep-sea levels, ensuring they can be utilized in diverse marine applications.

Relation to submersible pressure sensors

Subsea pressure sensors and submersible pressure sensors are closely related, often overlapping in their functionalities and applications. The primary distinction lies in their specific use cases and design adaptations. Submersible pressure sensors are generally designed for shallow water applications, such as environmental monitoring in lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. They are typically optimized for ease of deployment and use in relatively accessible underwater environments. Where Sub sea pressure sensors are tailored for deep-water applications, capable of enduring extreme pressure conditions found in deep seas and oceans. They are built for high durability and can operate reliably in the most demanding underwater settings. Both types of sensors share the core function of measuring pressure in aquatic environments, but sub sea pressure sensors are engineered for more extreme conditions and greater depths, making them suitable for heavy-duty marine and industrial applications.

  • High durability and reliability
    Built to withstand harsh underwater conditions, including high pressure, salinity, and varying temperatures. Their robust construction ensures long-term reliability and accuracy in demanding environments.
  • Accuracy and precision
    Advanced sensing technologies provide highly accurate and precise pressure readings, which are vital for critical applications such as underwater vehicle navigation and oil drilling operations.
  • Material selection
    Typically made from corrosion-resistant materials like stainless steel or titanium, sub sea pressure sensors are designed to endure prolonged exposure to saltwater without degrading.
  • Integration and compatibility
    The sensors often feature interfaces compatible with various data acquisition systems, making them easy to integrate into existing underwater monitoring setups.

Applications for Subsea pressure sensors

  • Offshore oil and gas exploration: Used to monitor pressure in drilling operations, ensuring safety and efficiency in extracting underwater resources.
  • Marine Research: Essential for studying underwater environments, including oceanography, marine biology, and climate science.
  • Underwater vehicles: Installed in submersibles and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to provide real-time pressure data for navigation and operation at different depths.
  • Hydraulic systems: Employed in underwater hydraulic systems to monitor and control pressure, ensuring proper functioning and safety.

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Sander van der Elst

Sales Engineer