1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensors
  3. Strain sensors & strain gauges
  4. Concrete material use strain gauges
  5. PL-LJC-F Series (Polyester Backing) Wire Strain Gauges for Concrete Material

PL-LJC-F Series (Polyester Backing) Wire Strain Gauges for Concrete Material

Single element straingauge for concrete material paralelled vinyl leadwire included

About the PL-LJC-F Series (Polyester Backing)

P series polyester wire strain gauge
These are wire strain gauges utilizing a transparent plastic backing impregnated with polyester resin. The gauge length is available in 3 ranges of 60, 90 and 120mm, so it is suited to the measurement of concrete strain. Since the backing is transparent, the bonding position can easily be checked in the installation works.

Features PL-LJC-F

  • Type: Single element including paralelled leadwire, for steel, concrete and mortar use
  • Gauge resistance: 120Ω
  • Gauge length: 60, 90, 120mm

Strain gauges with integral paralleled vinyl leadwire are available only for single element PL:

  • Paralleled 1m
  • Paralleled 3m
  • Paralleled 5m

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Technical Specifications

Specification Value
Backing Polyester
Bonding adhesive CN-E, RP-2, PS
Element Cu-Ni (wire)
Fatigue life at room temperature 1×10⁵ (±1000×10⁻⁶ strain)
Main object material Concrete, mortar
Operational temperature(°c) -20~+80°C
Strain limit 2% (20000×10⁻⁶ strain)
Temperature compensation range(°c) +10~+80°C