1. Althen Sensors
  2. Mätningssystem
  3. Nyckelfärdiga mätsystem
  4. System för mätning av jordbävningar och vibrationer
  5. VibroLine (VLE-Serie 1-8) Vibration Measurement System

VibroLine (VLE-Serie 1-8) Vibration Measurement System

Condition Monitoring on rotating machines

About the VibroLine (VLE-Serie 1-8) Vibration Measurement System

Less downtime - More profit! The devices of the VibroLine VLE series continuously monitor your machines and systems. The machine condtion can be read at a glance - with the unique 4-zone display!

Fans, motors, pumps - Work state of the art with vibration monitoring VibroLine in accordance with DIN ISO 10816/20816 standard. Scale the vibration monitoring according to your needs, VibroLine offers channel variants from 1 to 8.

More flexibility for special requirements? No problem! From the sensor signal, VibroLine derives vibration acceleration, velocity or displacement as required. You can monitor broadband overall characteristics with freely adjustable filter edges as well as order characteristics. For crash detection, the impact monitoring is suitable, which reliably trips by digital output within max. 700 μs.


  • Vibration monitoring according to DIN ISO 10816/20816, e.g. for motors, fans, pumps
  • Condition-oriented maintenance
  • Unbalance monitoring, even at variable speed
  • Continuous bearing monitoring
  • Vibration measurement for quality assurance
  • crash detection


Key features

  • Suitable for the requirement: 1,2,4,6 or 8 measuring channels
  • ±10 V measuring inputs, IEPE can be switched on channel by channel
  • Monitoring of vibration acceleration, vibration velocity or displacement
  • Effective value, peak value, peak-to-peak value
  • Freely adjustable bandpass and order filters
  • Alarm management with delay and hold time
  • Signalling of the operating status of machines in 4 zones according to DIN ISO 10816/20816
  • 4-20 mA output for each measuring channel
  • Cycle time 8 ms
  • For crash detection Triggering already after 0.7 ms
  • Free configuration software
  • Predefined parameter sets or your own specifications

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