1. Althen Sensors
  2. Mätningssystem
  3. System för lasermätning
  4. System för 3D-laserskanning
  5. SHTRIKH-2 Series 3D Laser Scanning Kit

SHTRIKH-2 Series 3D Laser Scanning Kit

For non-contact scanning of products and obtaining 3D computer-simulated models

About the SHTRIKH-2 Series 3D Laser Scanning Kit

3D Laser Scanning Kit designed for mounting on any type of CNC machine and intended for non-contact scanning of products and obtaining 3D computer-simulated models.

In the scanning mode, the machine CNC system moves the sensor line-by-line over the item prototype. Thus, XYZ coordinate array for the surface is formed, i.e. a digital prototype model is created which is saved as a point cloud file as well as in a common STL format suitable for subsequent use in CNC.

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