1. Althen Sensors
  2. Mätningssystem
  3. System för tryck- och temperaturmätning
  4. Aeroprobe
  5. Air Data Probes

Air Data Probes

Multi-hole Pitot probes

About the Air Data Probes

Designed for simple integration with the Micro Air Data Computer (μADC), the Air Data probe is an effective lightweight solution for measuring angle of attack, angle of sideslip, airspeed, and altitude where mobility is critical. With no moving parts, the Air Data probe is a reliable choice for pilots, drivers, and engineers looking to push the limits of performance and control.

Air Data probes allow for calculation of the complete flow vector. Its comprehensive design improves on traditional air data solutions (ex: Air Data Boom) by eliminating pitch and yaw vanes, which have moving parts with inertial effects that introduce inaccuracy and increase weight and response time.


Key features Air Data Probes

  • 1, 3, or 5 tip ports with a static ring
  • High accuracy NIST traceable calibrations
  • Up to 500 discrete aerodynamic calibration points per speed
  • Rugged stainless steel construction
  • Optional internal heater (22 or 42 Watts) for icing protection
  • Optional integrated total air temperature sensor
  • Hemispherical tip geometry


Applications Air Data Probes

  • Angle of attack
  • Angle of sideslip
  • Airspeed
  • Altitude

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