1. Althen Sensors
  2. Mätanordningar
  3. Digital signalbehandling
  4. Datainsamling (DAQ)
  5. IOLITE-2XASI Signal Conditioner

IOLITE-2XASI Signal Conditioner

Signal conditioner with 2-channel acceleration sensor interface and 1-channel RPM sensor interface with EtherCAT communication

About the IOLITE-2XASI Signal Conditioner

IOLITE-2xASI is a device with two analog sensor interface channels and one tacho channel. It converts the signal from DEWESoft ASI 1xVIB sensors and sends the data over EtherCAT bus to the master PC. Up to two ASI 1xVIB sensors with M8 connectors can be connected. Maximum sample rate is 40 kS/s per channel. Only a single cable is needed to daisy chain multiple IOLITEd-2xASI devices with up to 50 m device-device distance.


  • 40 kS/s max. sample rate per sensor, two sensors per device
  • EtherCAT bus, daisy-chaining with single cable up to 50 m device-to-device
  • DEWESoft X3 software support


  • Vibration and temperature monitoring
  • Machine condition monitoring
  • Bearing fault detection

Anschlussmodell IOLITEd 2XASI

Principle of operation

Two analog channels of the device featur anti-alias filtering, A/D conversion and digital filtering. Each of the channels provides precise 5 V excitation for the sensor, which is also used as a reference for the ADC. There is no other internal reference for the ADC, therefore the module should not be used as a general analog input module. Both sensor channels also include I2C bus pins for interfacing to the ASI 1xVIB probe‘s temperature sensor and 3-axial accelerometer as well as to read the scaling info from the probe‘s EEPROM.

Microprocessor inside the DAQ module transmits the data samples over EtherCAT protocol into DEWESoft software running on a Windows PC, or alternatively to any controller running EtherCAT master on any platform. The tacho channels is meant to be used with 1 pulse per rotation RPM sensors. The device automatically converts the signal into RPM value and transmits the RPM values over EtherCAT to the PC / controller.


DEWESoft IOLITE 2xASI includes a Dewesoft-PROF software license. It is automatically recognized in Dewesoft software which provides automatic scaling, therefore the data in engineering units (g or m/s2, °C) is readily available to the user. Temperature and 3-axial accelerometer data are available as data channels in Dewesoft under System monitor channels. Dewesoft can act as a gateway to higher level factory protocols such as OPC UA (subject to additional licence). IOLITE series devices can also be directly connected to any controller with standard EtherCAT master functionality.

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