1. Althen Sensors
  2. Mätanordningar
  3. Digital signalbehandling
  4. Datainsamling (DAQ)
  5. IOLITEI-4XDI Signal Conditioner

IOLITEI-4XDI Signal Conditioner

Signal conditioner with robust isolated digital inputs, EtherCAT interface and software support

About the IOLITEI-4XDI Signal Conditioner

Robust, isolated digital inputs are suitable for reading data off digital sensors as well as for demanding test automation tasks. Three power supply voltages (5V, 12V and device voltage supply level) available on the
front connector. EtherCAT interface, signal and power over the same cable.


  • 4 isolated TTL/CMOS digital inputs
  • EtherCAT bus, daisy-chaining with single cable up to 50 m device-device
  • DEWESoft X3 software support


  • Digital sensor interface
  • Digital inputs in control cabinets

Software support: DEWESoft X3, any standard EtherCAT master

Installation: Devices are daisy chained with a standard network cable. It is recommended that the cable is shielded (SFTP, CAT5e) and has a minimum 24 AWG wire thickness. The cable must have 4 wire pairs. The maximum distance node-to-node is 50 m.

Power supply: Passive PoE power injector is neccessary for merging the EtherCAT signal and power into a single cable.

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