1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensorer
  3. Accelerationssensorer
  4. Accelerometrar för fordonstestning
  5. ASC 61C1 Piezoresistive Accelerometer

ASC 61C1 Piezoresistive Accelerometer

Uniaxial, small and compact acceleration sensor for testing light weight structures

About the ASC 61C1 Piezoresistive Accelerometer

The accelerometers are based on an advanced piezoresistive MEMS technology and can be used in a low frequency response up from 0Hz. The piezoresistive sensor element is made of monolithic resistors. These resistors are attached to carrier-elements and are electrically connected in a Wheatstone bridge. The electrical signal changes proportional to the vibration.

The model ASC 61C1 is an uniaxial accelerometer based on piezoresistive technology and factory calibrated. The ASC 61C1 is a small and compact accelerometer. Its housing is a flat design and hard anodised aluminium. Due to its low mass this model is ideal for testing light weight structures. The sensing element has integrated overload stops and therefore the silicon chip is highly shock resistant. The ASC 61C1 has an excellent non-linearity over a wide frequency response. Electrically it is configured as a Wheatstone Bridge.

The ASC 61C1 can be obtained with all common sensor ID modules. A very high flexible and rugged cable provides a simple mounting. The ASC 61C1 is equipped as standard with 6 meter of this cable.

Key features ASC 61C1

  • Uniaxial
  • Wheatstone Bridge
  • mV Output
  • Aluminium Housing
  • Made in Germany
  • Range: 500g, 1000g and 2000g
  • Small Size
  • Light Weight
  • DC Response
  • ±5000g Shock Resistance
  • Gas Damped
  • 3-10Vdc Excitation

Options ASC 61C1

  • Customised Cable Length
  • Customised Connector
  • TEDS Module
  • Equipment Exchange (EQX)

Applications ASC 61C1

  • Automotive Crash Testing
  • Shock Testing

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  • Wheatstone Bridge
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