1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensorer
  3. Gyroskop-sensorer
  4. Gyroskop med hög precision
  5. ASC 273 Gyroscope

ASC 273 Gyroscope

Triaxial angular rate sensor with MEMS vibrating ring technology

About the ASC 273 Gyroscope

ASC’s precision navigation and pointing gyroscopes are made of robust silicon MEMS vibrating ring elements. As the gyro is rotated, coriolis forces acting on the silicon ring cause radial movement at the ring perimeter, the magnitude of which is proportional to the angular velocity of rotation. The gyro thus produces an analog voltage signal, which is linearly proportional to the angular rate. The balanced ring design results in excellent shock and vibration insensitivity.

ASC’s Industrial-grade MEMS gyros have excellent bias instability and very low noise density , angle random walk and sensitivity to linear accelerations.

Key features ASC 273 Gyroscope

  • Triaxial
  • ±75°/s, ±150°/s, ±300°/s and ±900°/s Rate Ranges
  • Rate Noise Density: 0.02 °/s/√Hz
  • Low Bias Instability (12°/hr)
  • Low Angular Random Walk (0.2°/√hr)
  • Low Power Consumption
  • High Shock Rejection
  • Low g-Sensitivity
  • Wide Bandwidth

Options ASC 273 Gyroscope

  • Customised Cable Length
  • Customised Connector

Applications ASC 273 Gyroscope

  • Precision Navigation and Pointing
  • Automotive in-car Navigation
  • Precision GPS Vehicle and Personal Navigation Aiding (Dead Reckoning Navigation)
  • Vehicle Yaw, Pitch and Roll Rate Sensing
  • Gesture Sensing
  • Motion Tracking
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Camera/Antenna/Plattform Stabilisation
  • Industrial and Robotics

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