1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensorer
  3. Kraftsensorer
  4. Miniatyrlastceller
  5. Model 11 Miniature Tension and Compression Force Sensor

Model 11 Miniature Tension and Compression Force Sensor

Subminiature force sensor


  • Subminiature design
  • mV/V output
  • Single diaphragm construction

About the Model 11 Miniature Tension and Compression Force Sensor

The Model 11 (tension/compression) subminiature loadcell is designed to measure load ranges up to 4kN. With subminiature dimensions, including diameters from .50 in to 0.75 in and height of 0.38 in, these units are easily incorporated into systems having limited space. The model achieves a non-linearity and hysteresis of 0.5 % full scale respectively and a frequency response of up to 58 kHz. A balance module is included in the load cell’s lead wire cable for zero balance, and should not be removed.

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Tekniska specifikationer

Specifikation Värde
Hysteresis ±0.5% of FS
Linearity ±0.5% of FS
Load direction Tension/compression
Non-repeatability ±0.1% of FS
Operating temperature -54°C to 121°C
Range 1.5N - 5kN
Resolution Infinite
Tolerance on output 1000g to 1000lb 2mV/V (nominal)
Tolerance on output 1000g to 500g 10mV/V (nominal)

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Behöver du något annat?

Model 31E Miniature Tension and Compression Force Sensor

  • Measuring range: 0.5 N to 50 kN
  • 0.15 % to 0.25 % accuracy
  • Can be welded for underwater applications


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Model 53E Compact High Precision Force Sensor

  • Measuring range: up to 200 kN
  • For cost-efficient production & testing
  • Maximum non-linearity of 0.25% F.S.
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