1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensorer
  3. Linjära positionsgivare
  4. LVDT-sensorer
  5. E Series LVDT Position Sensor

E Series LVDT Position Sensor

Highly economical, satisfying numerous applications in which LVDT performance and reliability are desired, but where budgets are limited


  • Customary LVDT performance
  • AISI 400 Series stainless steel case
  • Cost-effective AC-operated model
  • Magnetically shielded case
  • Available with imperial or metric core

About the E-series Economy series LVDT

The E Series of LVDTs is highly economical, satisfying numerous applications in which LVDT performance and reliability are desired, but where budgets are limited. With a linearity of just ±0.5% of full-range (E-2000 ±1.0%), the E Series is suitable for most applications with moderate operating temperature environments. Housed in magnetic stainless steel for protection against electromagnetic and electrostatic interference, the E Series rugged construction is capable of resisting the shock and vibration of most industrial applications.

Applications for E-series

  • General industrial
  • Moderate operating temperature environments
  • Cost sensitive applications

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Tekniska specifikationer

Specifikation Värde
Electrical connections Leads
Excitation frequency 1-10kHz
Form Cylindrical
Industry standard RoHS
Measurement range 2,54 to 50,8mm
Non-linearity ±0.5% or ±1%
Operating temperature -55 – 95°C
Output 240 to 920mV/V
Protection IP61
Spring loaded Seperate core
Supply voltage 3V

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  • IEC IP68 rating to 1,000 PSI [70 bars]
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  • Measuring range: 1,27 mm to 50,8 mm
  • Up to 1,000 g shock survival
  • Resistant to harsh environments
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