1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensorer
  3. Linjära positionsgivare
  4. LVDT-sensorer
  5. SQ-Series LVDT Position Sensor

SQ-Series LVDT Position Sensor

Heavy duty LVDTs developed specifically to measure position or motion in mill-type harsh environments


  • Rugged, heavy duty construction
  • Ranges of ±0.50 inches to ±10.00 inches
  • Non-linearity less than ±0.25% of FRO
  • 300°F (150°C) operating temperature
  • Assembly sealed to IEC IP-64

About the SQ Series Heavy duty LVDT position sensors

The SQ 1250 Series of heavy duty LVDTs were developed specifically to measure position or motion in mill-type hostile environments. These rugged and reliable contactless sensors, available in measuring ranges from ±0.50 inches to ±10.00 inches, have their electrical assembly totally encapsulated within a heavy duty aluminum housing, with their electrical connections made to screw-terminal style barrier strips. This complete encapsulation of SQ 1250 Series LVDTs allows them to withstand the high shock and vibration levels typically encountered in mill environments and permits them to meet the IEC IP-64 sealing standard against the intrusion of splashed water and other liquids.

SQ 1250 Series LVDTs are electrically and magnetically double shielded to maximize noise immunity and minimize their susceptibility to external AC magnetic fields developed by electric motors, transformers, etc.

The position sensors offer the high resolution, excellent repeatability, and low hysteresis associated with LVDT technology, as well as the highest sensitivity consistent with good linearity. The maximum linearity error for an SQ 1250 LVDT is ±0.25% of full range output, using a statistically best-fit straight line derived by the least squares method.

Typical applications of SQ 1250 Series LVDTs are measuring roller gap position for hydraulic servo systems used to control primary metals rolling mills, sizing lumber to maximize yield in sawmills, maintaining proper calendar roll position in paper mills, controlling steam valve opening in electric power plants, and measuring raker boom height in wastewater treatment plants.

Applications for SQ-Series

  • Steel and aluminum mills
  • Electric Power Plants
  • Forges and Foundries
  • Pulp and Paper Mills
  • Lumber and Saw Mills
  • Wastewater Treatment Plants

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Tekniska specifikationer

Specifikation Värde
Input frequency 2.5 - 3.0kHz
Measurement range 12.7 to 254mm
Non-linearity ±.25% FR
Operating temperature -55°C to +150°C
Shock survival 1,000g
Thermal coefficient of scale factor -0.02%/°C nominal
Vibration tolerance 20g to 2kHz

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