1. Althen Sensors
  2. Sensorer
  3. Lutnings- och lutningsmätare
  4. Geotekniska (elektrolytiska) inklinometrar
  5. MD900-T Digital Clinometer

MD900-T Digital Clinometer

Digital inclinometer with powerful firmware features


  • RS-422 / RS-232 / RS-485
  • wide-angle
  • biaxial
  • NEMA 4X
  • GPS
  • user programmable thermistor
  • temperature sensor
  • digital
  • IP65
  • low-impedance
  • waterproof

About the MD900-T Biaxial Clinometer

The biaxial model MD900-T is an economical digital clinometer with powerful firmware features. User programmable
settings include AUTO-zero (tare), baud and output rate, sample averaging, and more. Output is RS232 or RS422 (RS485 full duplex). The MD900-T easily integrates with a variety of GPS receivers, and supports Trimble TCM, NMEA XDR, BAE, and Ashtech output protocols. Units ship standard with 6-ft. hook-up cable and 100-240VAC power transformer. Use the MD900T for industrial pitch and roll measurement, marine piling, dredging and construction systems, platform leveling,geotechnical monitoring and more.

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